What is an Efficient Librarian?

“An Efficient Librarian is an elite knowledge worker navigating the complexity of the post Internet information world.  She combines the skill sets of a librarian with the best productivity and efficiency practices to become a powerful consultant and decision maker.  She masters the ability to traverse the streams of information flowing throughout our increasingly digital world and then in turn helps others learn these skills.”

We are swimming in a vast ocean of information.  Our challenge today is keeping track of everything that is coming into our world and correctly decipher what it means to us. For centuries, librarians have worked with information in all sorts of media to ensure accessibility for all.  Nowadays with the Internet, librarians need to turn their attention to helping people cope with the huge amount of accessible information to determine its value.

My name is Doug Crane, and I am a professional librarian, productivity nerd, an experimental leader, and founder of The Efficient Librarian.  This site contains tips from the books of productivity experts, advice on leadership, and news and information on public libraries, including my own.

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